How to Evaluate Board Management Software

When you invest in a board management software the company gains the ability to make meeting preparation and execution streamlined and productive. When you’re trying to organize an online meeting or gather the board’s agenda prior to the next meeting, it’s crucial that your directors have access all the features they require within a single digital space. The best board portals offer this functionality, eliminating the need to go through piles of papers or browse endlessly through shared drives.

The most efficient board of directors management software replaces your email, text messages and other communication channels by providing a secure, unified system of record that keeps your information encrypted while creating clear delineations between your executive team and outsiders (making you less of a target for silly legal adventures or fishing expeditions). Board administrators can save time by preparing and distributing documents for board members in a matter of minutes rather than the days it could take to compile and distribute physical documents.

Selecting the right system for your business depends on your specific needs, but most systems include basic features like collaboration tools such as meeting management, meetings, and document storage. The most advanced options comprise governance frameworks, and advanced security measures, including electronic voting, analytics and reporting, and more.

The first step to evaluate software for board management is to talk to your stakeholders and understand their concerns. Use a question like “needs by meeting stage” to pinpoint common issues and narrow your assessment on a solution that can deliver the highest net value.
